Hello everybody! Studio Qassim is in the process of moving to a much more modern blog engine. This means that you will get more posts, more content and more Andreas! Yay! 😀
Things are still under construction (but should work). In the meantime, feel free to explore the site (using the menu to the left) or read Andreas’ old blog.
Och här är din första kommentar! Roligt med wordpress, det verkar ju funka jättebra!
Sven! Suveränt! Du är så snabb att jag inte riktigt hunnit med. Jag ska gå igenom dina mail nu genast och se vad jag behöver svara på. Greatness belongs to you!
Greatings, Ugh, I liked! So clear and positively.
Hi, Amazing! Not clear for me, how offen you updating your http://www.andreasqassim.com.
Approximately once a month. I know it’s far too little, but I’m too busy to do it more often.